IFRA UK Fragrance Forum 2023

Royal Institution, London | 19th October 2023
Rhian See
Welcome to the Fragrance Forum
Dr Stuart Firestein
Former Chair of Colombia University's Department of Biological Science
Overview of the day and scene-setting around smell and memory
Dr Thomas Hummel
Technische Universität, Dresden, Germany
Olfactory function
How it works and what happens when it goes wrong
Professor Maria Larsson
Chair in Perception and Psychophysics at Stockholm University Department of Psychology
Odour memory
An emotional time machine
Martina Bianchini
International Fragrance Association (IFRA)
Welcome to the afternoon session and an update on IFRA's 50th anniversary
Gill Smith
The Perfume Shop
Jo Emes
Alzheimer's Research UK
Scent memories
Creating a £1 million partnership.
Creative session
Céline Herbette, CPL Aromas
Kyle Fearn, Redolescent
Mabelle Ali Ramia, Olfactive Studio Mabelleorama
Famila Lelalova, CPL Aromas
Hosted by
Lizzie Ostrom, Olfactory Consultant
Panel session
Dr Stuart Firestein
Dr Thomas Hummel
Professor Maria Larsson
Lisa Hipgrave
Closing remarks