Sustainable Scents

IFRA UK Sustainability Glossary

Sustainability is a broad and interdisciplinary concept that encompasses various dimensions, including environmental, social, and economic considerations. Here are some important terms in the field of sustainability.

This list focuses on terms which can apply to the fragrance aspect of a product. The consumer product may have claims for other aspects relating to packaging or other ingredients which are not considered in this list.

The list can be viewed here.


The IFRA-IOFI Sustainability Charter is a fragrance and flavour industry-wide initative to support and encourage members to continue to make their businesses ever more sustainable. 

The Charter focuses on five key areas - 1. Responsible sourcing; 2. Environmental footprint and climate change; 3. Well-being of employees; 4. Product safety and design and 5. Transparency.

More about the Charter and the list of signatories can be found here.

As of May 2024, the Charter has 141 signatories globally. We are proud to say that 13 of these are IFRA UK members and we continue to encourage the rest of our membership to make the committment.

Jonathan Warre, Chair of the IFRA-IOFI Sustainability Committee, summarises the current work of the Committee in this short video...

Here, Jonathan explains how it all started...